Encyclopedia of Clean

Acrylic Removal

AcrylicStrip or Stripsol LO (low odor) are solvent based strippers, able to remove layers of acrylics, latexes, acrylic latexes, alkyds, certain enamels, oil-based stains, polyurethanes and other resin coatings.

Adhesive: Carpet, Tile, Wood, Masonry

For removal of decal adhesives, Graf-Ex (painted surfaces) can be tested first. For difficult and thick adhesives, test InStrip. InStrip can be scraped up for easy removal. Both are applied undiluted.



Aluminum Composite Material: ACM Panels

Use C-Tar Melt or Graf-Ex for removal of caulk & rubber gasket bleed. For overall, general cleaning use HD Britenol or Cleansol BC. For restoration cleaning use Heritage Restorer.

Aluminum Siding: Painted

Cleansol BC works well when cleaning aluminum siding. For brush-less cleaning, the product needs to be applied on the surface using two quick applications, no rinse between the applications, then rinse.

Aluminum: Galvanized

Sabre II is a brushless truck wash and brightener for galvanized aluminum and non-coated stainless steel. When used as directed, Sabre II will remove some of the industries toughest stains.

Anodized Aluminum and Aluminum Trim: Architectural

OneRestore will safely clean anodized aluminum removing oxidation and will not etch glass. It’s capable of removing pollution and many sealers as well, but will not remove pitting. After cleaning with OneRestore, follow up with an application of A.R.T. (Anodized Restoration Treatment) to restore the surface to a “like new semi-gloss” appearance. A.R.T. is applied straight to a clean, dry surface and allowed to air dry.

Before cleaning bronze anodized aluminum window frames

After cleaning with OneRestore

After applying a thin coat of A.R.T.

Asphalt Removal

C-TAR Melt is a blend of water soluble, easily rinsed, non hazardous ingredients. C-TAR Melt is a special water-based cleaner which is much less likely to leave a shadow on masonry. Use both undiluted.

Asphalt Rejuvenator

Asphalt rejuvenator that gets on unintended masonry surfaces can be removed using AcrylicStrip.

Brick: New Construction Clean-up

NMD 80 and SOS 50 are designed for safe clean- up of new masonry structures, removing excess mortar and efflorescence. Both products can be used on many types of brick, block, unpolished stone, cast stone, and precast and are safe enough for glass and anodized aluminum. Just rinse before drying. No scrubbing is necessary.

Brick: Restoration

Use OneRestore or Heritage Restorer. One single undiluted application will remove many stains. For deep stain removal from porous surfaces, pre-wet (do not soak) the surface with water. Use a double undiluted application spaced three to five minutes apart without rinsing in between the applications.

Block: Admixture Bleed

Use Heritage Restorer followed by NMD 80.

Block / Concrete Brick: Black Water Streaks

Heritage Restorer will remove black water streaks from block/concrete brick.

Block: New Construction Clean-up

Ground face, burnished or any CMU block, including integral water repellent, waterproofed colored masonry units, can be cleaned effectively with NMD 80 or SOS 50. Follow with a low pressure wash rinse or shut off the siphon value on your EC Jet to use it to rinse.

Calcite: Removal

For clay brick use Calcite Presoak (undiluted) followed by NMD 80. For concrete block use White Scum Presoak (undiluted) followed by NMD 80. Multiple applications of presoak may be needed. There is no rinsing in between applications until the final dwell time.

Caulk Bleed

On masonry, use OneRestore or C-Tar Melt. On glass use Graf-EX or AcryliStrip. On metal use Graf-EX or C-Tar Melt.

Clay Stains: Removal

NMD 80 is recommended to remove fresh clay stains on new construction. OneRestore is recommended for clay stain removal once it is baked hard by the sun.

NMD 80


Coating Removal: From Glass

OneRestore or Graf-Ex will remove many coatings from glass.

Coating Removal

Due to the wide variety of coatings currently in use, please refer to “Paint Stripping Charts” below.

Paint Stripping Charts

SOFTWOODStripper Cream*InStrip*AcrylicStripStripsol LOLCSGraf-Ex
(A) Shellac555555
(B) Black Lacquer455545
(C) Epoxy, black appliance453340
(D) Water-based polyacrylic155515
(E) Varnish152102
(F) Timber Oil411151
(G) Primer White Alkyd Resin155050
(H) Polyurethane555314
(I) Enamel, Black high perf, oil based444142
HARDWOODStripper Cream*InStrip*AcrylicStripStripsol LOLCSGraf-Ex
(A) Shellac555555
(B) Black Lacquer455445
(C) Epoxy, black appliance54.
(D) Polyacrylic255435
(E) Primer white alkyd resin0.54.544.514.5
METALStripper Cream*InStrip*AcrylicStripStripsol LOLCSGraf-Ex
(A) Epoxy, Black appliance455535
(B) Primer, white alkyd resin4.535414.5
(C) Chrome, rust-oleum solvent enamel1.555535
(D) Enamel, Black Glass, high perf oil0.555525

* products given 30 minute dwell time, all other products given 10 minute dwell time. 5 = most effective, 0 = least

Concrete: Tilt-up (New)

Dilutions of NMD 80 will vary according to surface finish. A downstream projection nozzle is an appropriate applicator. The cleanup is for a uniform building face without surface changes, not removal of mortar smears. Pre-wet from top to bottom, followed by a quick, even application of NMD 80. Always rinse thoroughly before the product dries.

Concrete: Removal from Equipment and Trucks

Use CT Wash diluted 4:1 and apply with a sprayer. Allow to soak for 10 minutes and rinse.

Concrete: Splatter from Masonry

Repeated applications of NMD 80 will remove splatter from masonry. Using a masonry stone or scraper in between will speed the process.

Concrete: Remove Elastomeric Damp Proofing

Remove from foundation walls – use AcrylicStrip. Use product straight, undiluted. Apply to a dry wall, do not pre-wet.

Concrete: Stain Removal

OneRestore removes metal and mineral oxide stains including rust, lead and copper from non-colored concrete. For oil stains, use Hot Stain Remover or AP Plus BC applied with a low pressure sprayer. Brushing the degreaser deeper into the pores allows it to lift out any shadows. Ammonium Bifluoride restoration (ABF) is the most economical solution for large concrete structures such as parking garages. For hydraulic fluid and penetrating oils on concrete flat work, use AcryliStrip or Hot Stain Remover applied onto a dry surface.

Copper Stains

Use OneRestore undiluted. A copper stain may show up as blue, green or black depending on the elements it reacts with to cause the stain. Generally, an undiluted application repeated twice before rinsing will remove the stain.


HD Britenol removes stains that can occur under the eaves on siding.

Efflorescence: Colored Block

EF-Fortless removes efflorescence (white or ivory chalk-like deposit) from colored block and mortar without causing color bleed.

Efflorescence: Brick and Pavers

NMD 80 or EF-Fortless removes efflorescence. Use NMD 80 at a 4:1 dilution. Apply with low pressure applicator. A thorough rinse job is always recommended. Flood rinsing is not recommended. EF-Fortless is applied undiluted. Heavier deposits may be calcite, lime run, or admixture.

Efflorescence: White Scum

White Scum (calcium silicate) is a result of improper use of new masonry cleaner reacting with brick and forming insoluble salts. Looks similar to efflorescence but it is not. See WHITE SCUM, brick and block.

Calcite (calcium carbonate)

Lime Run (calcium hydroxide)


White Scum (calcium silicate)

Efflorescence (calcium chloride)

EIFS (Exterior Insulation and Finish System, Synthetic Stucco):
Removing pollution stains

Cleansol BC diluted works very well on EIFS. Brushless cleaning requires the product to be applied on the surface using two quick applications, spaced several minutes apart. The first pass is to penetrate and the second to lift the stain out. Rinse with wide angle nozzle at low pressure.

Elastomeric: EIFS Coatings Stripping

Acrylicstrip undiluted will remove these coatings from tools and equipment, also elastomeric damp proofing from concrete.

Galvanized Steel

Sabre II is a brushless truck wash and brightener for galvanized steel and non-coated stainless steel. When used as directed, Sabre II will remove some of the industries toughest stains.


OneRestore/Glass removes atmospheric staining, concrete leaching, paint wash stains and hard water deposits. One application of undiluted OneRestore/Glass, misted or wiped, then rinsed before drying and before squeegee swiping. Use NMD 80 (New Masonry Detergent) for removing mortar and construction dust. Use Graf-Ex for removing anti-graffiti coatings, silane/siloxane water repellent and acrylic waterproofers (water and solvent based). For removing caulk bleed, Graf-Ex or C-Tar Melt.

NOTE: Do not use on window tints or self-cleaning glass

Gorilla Glue: From Skin

AcrylicStrip can be applied on skin to remove uncured Gorilla Glue on skin.

Graffiti: Limestone, Block, Brick and Sandstone

LCS is a water-based stripper that has a wide range of applications, best suited for porous surfaces Stripper Cream is for the removal of graffiti and layers of paint from masonry including limestone because it will not change the color or damage the surface. Stripper Cream can be rolled or brushed on to penetrate deep into the pores of the stone. Rinse with low pressures. Pressures that mark or damage the surface must be avoided.


Stripper Cream

Graffiti: Painted surface

Graf-Ex is a special purpose stripper designed for removing graffiti without lift the base paint. Use it straight and apply with either a low pressure sprayer or wipe it with a cloth and finish with a rinse. Water can be used to stop its penetration and to rinse. Do not dilute Graf-Ex.


OneRestore and Heritage Restorer will remove most all stains found on the surface; applied undiluted with a simple “spray on/spray off” application. Only use Heritage Restorer for flamed salt and pepper granite and Polished Stone Cleaner for polished granite.


Heritage Restorer

Gum Shadows: From Concrete

Gum shadows can be removed after pre-treating with OneRestore. OneRestore (undiluted) can be applied with a low pressure applicator and should be left on for 5-15 minutes. Finish with a high pressure rinse.


Gutter tiger stripes can be removed with Cleansol BC at 4:1 or C-Tar Melt undiluted, wiped on and off, or LCS 20:1 to 50:1.

Limestone: Black Crust

Stripper Cream will remove black crust from limestone. Pre-wet the surface and apply undiluted by roller or spray using adequate thickness. The product may be diluted up to 4:1 for mineral stains that are not dimensional. Rinse with a pressure washer, being careful not to harm the surface.

Limestone: Indiana and Travertine

The most common type of limestone is Indiana limestone. OneRestore or Heritage Restorer is completely safe to use. One single undiluted application will remove many stains. For deep stain removal, use the double application method spaced five minutes apart without rinsing in between the applications. Pressures that mark or damage the surface should be avoided.

Limestone: Rust and Copper Stains

OneRestore undiluted use the double application method spaced five minutes apart without rinsing in between the applications. Allow it to dwell on the surface for at least 10 minutes before rinse.

Marble: Unpolished

Use OneRestore or Heritage Restorer to clean unpolished marble Apply straight using a low pressure sprayer. Rinse with a pressure washer.

Marble: Polished

Polished Stone Cleaner cleans polished marble easily. Apply undiluted product with a low pressure sprayer. Remove with a high pressure rinse or by wiping with a damp cloth.

Natural Stone

Alkaline Stone Cleaner is used for natural stone and removes lichen.

Paint: Cleaning

Cleansol removes most common stains without harming the paint. A Cleansol application at 10:1 to 20:1 dilution with a high pressure rinse will remove the oxidation and leave a shiny surface.

Paint: Wash on Brick

OneRestore can remove paint wash from brick. Apply OneRestore (straight) with a low pressure sprayer using the deep stain removal process. Rinse with a high pressure or nozzle on a garden hose.

Paint Stripping: Multi-layer

Stripper Cream is effective for removing multiple layers of paint. It can be sprayed, rolled, or brushed. Applied straight, a skin will form on the paint to be scraped off mostly intact or it can be removed with a high pressure wash. InStrip is another option, for indoor & outdoor use. InStrip can lift multiple layers of paint, primers, solvent and water-based paints. InStrip also removes various wood finishes, such as varnish, shellac, and stains. Both products will not dry out.

Stripper Cream


Paint Stripping: Acrylics/Urethanes

AcrylicStrip, Stripsol LO (low odor) and InStrip are used undiluted. Refer to the Paint Stripping Chart. Call for application procedures.

Paint Stripping: Latex

LCS or Stripper Cream can be used for stripping single or multiple layers of latex paint. Both products are applied undiluted. Stripper Cream applied with brush or roller. LCS can be sprayed on then rinsed with a pressure wash.

Painted Steel Panels: Cleaning

Cleansol BC is a concentrated soap that will clean painted steel panels easily. Apply using pressure washer up or downstream, or low pressure spray applicator. Brushless cleaning requires the product to be laid on the surface using two quick applications. A thorough rinse job is always recommended.

Pavers: Cleaning After Installation

Clay, concrete pavers, natural or synthetic paving stones, remove dirt and debris, imperfections, properly breathing to help prevent future water derived staining and prepare for sealing if desired. Other issues before installation: Efflorescence, scuff marks, secondary hydration (Halos) and hard water stains. Products to have on hand: NMD80, White Scum Presoak and EF-Fortless

Pavers: Pine Tree Sap

Hot Stain Remover can remove pine tree sap from pavers. Testing first is recommended.

Precast Concrete: New Clean-up and Stain Removal; See "Concrete" Above


Red Clay: Numerous Surfaces

OneRestore can remove red clay stains from many surfaces including masonry surfaces, concrete, hardi board. OneRestore is designed to be used undiluted through a low pressure sprayer. Testing is allways recommended before full scale cleaning.

Rust Stains: Concrete Flatwork

  • Smooth trowel finish concrete: HD Britenol, general purpose, removes rust while leaving the surface smooth and easy to clean.
  • Broom finish concrete: Ammonium Bifluoride restoration (ABF), professional grade, is better at removing rust from a texture surface that is harder to clean than concrete with a smooth finish.
  • White concrete with white sand: Heritage Restorer, sensitive substrates, removes rust without shade shifting the color.

ABF Restoration

Rust Stains: Masonry and Steel

OneRestore will remove rust stains quickly and help prevent re-oxidation. OneRestore can be applied with a low pressure applicator. It’s best to use the double application method spaced five minutes apart without rinsing in between the applications. Pressures that mark or damage the surface should be avoided.



Heritage Restorer is a restoration detergent for historical or sensitive substrates including berea sandstone (Cleveland sandstone). Stripper Cream is used when there is a black crust.

Heritage Restorer

Stripper Cream

Sealant Stains

OneRestore is an excellent treatment for sealant stains. Apply straight with a low pressure sprayer and follow with a high pressure rinse.

Silicone Elastomeric Coatings

Cleansol BC is recommended to clean Allguard® silicone elastomeric coatings.

Watergate Hotel Black exhaust pollution


To clean normal soil on slate use Cleansol BC (diluted).

Smoke Removal

Smoke Melt and Hot Stain Remover are high alkaline cleaning products that will remove heavy carbon deposits from wood or masonry and will soften heavy black smoke from fire damage on masonry. For interior removal of smoke soot from stone on fireplace surrounds, OneRestore is highly effective.

Hot Stain Remover

For interior removal of smoke soot from stone on fireplace surrounds, OneRestore is highly effective.


Stainless Steel

HD Britenol cleans stainless steel and helps prevent future corrosion. Use a low pressure sprayer or downstream injector to apply. Use a pressure rinse or followed by an application of Cleansol BC rinse for a great shine.

Stainless Steel: OneRestore Drip

Heritage Restorer or A.R.T. can remove drip caused by OneRestore.

Tar Removal

C-Tar Melt will penetrate and soften tar. It is safe for wood, metal and masonry surfaces. OneRestore can be used to remove fresh tar stains on brick or block. It will also remove shadows as well.

Terra Cotta

OneRestore or Heritage Restorer are good options for terra cotta restoration. OneRestore and Heritage Restorer can be applied with a low pressure applicator.

The best use of the products is two applications spaced several minutes apart without allowing the product to dry or rinsing in between. After the second application, rinse thoroughly.

Vinyl Awnings

Cleansol is very effective for cleaning vinyl awnings. Apply straight to 20:1 using a pressure washer with downstream injector. Two applications spaced apart, rinse at low pressure for brushless cleaning results.

Vinyl Siding

Cleansol will clean vinyl siding. For brushless cleaning with complete soil release requires the product to be laid on the surface using two quick applications. Cleansol does not mix with bleach.

Water-based Acrylic Coatings

Undiluted Graf-Ex or AcrylicStrip will remove these stains. Both are applied to a dry surface.

Wash Bay Walls

HD Britenol, or OneRestore are acid cleaners that can be used to remove soap scum from the inside wash bays. Glory Truckwash BC or Truck Wash Supreme SC are non-acids that can be used as well.


White Scum: Brick and Block

Use White Scum Presoak (undiluted) followed by NMD 80 at a 4:1 dilution. Do not rinse in between applications. Multiple applications of White Scum Presoak may be needed.


EaCo Chem’s Sealers form a uniform, long lasting, water repellent coating on pavers, concrete surfaces, brick, and split faced block. This coating enhances the surface without leaving the surface slippery when used on horizontal surfaces.

Proper care for your sealer sprayer


How do you clean out a back pack sprayer once it’s had our EC 102 SOL run through it?


If the backpack sprayer is designed to handle solvent based solutions, the solvent based sealer can be flushed out of the sprayer using a solvent that’s readily available such as mineral spirits. Be sure to read the instructions provided with the sprayer as to the materials it is compatible with.

*Note: If the backpack sprayer is NOT designed for use with solvents, it will probably only be good for a single use.

Pulling Off a Successful Demo

Step 1: Define the problem

Visit “Encyclopedia of Clean”.

Step 2: Pull out an EaCo Chem Test Kit

It’s often difficult to know in advance which chemistry to use on a soil or stain. As a professional cleaner, you will want to have a supply of EaCo Chem test kits on hand to choose from at a moment’s notice. This will allow you to have different types of chemicals to solve many different problems.

Step 3: Always Do a Test Patch

Use the test kit to do a test patch before the demo. Even a test area of a couple of inches will allow you to be absolutely sure which product, dilution, and application works best for you.

Step 4: Demo with confidence!

With EaCo Chem test kits, you’ll know within minutes what will work on the surface problem you’ve encountered.

Pocket Reference

Masonry Surfaces

Block - concrete ground face burnished colored split face concrete brick (shape)acid burn - new constructionOneRestore, NMD 80
calcite removalWhite Scum Presoak -> NMD 80
cleaning, restoringOneRestore
efflorescence removalEF-Fortless, NMD 80
excess admixture removalOneRestore -> NMD 80
excess mortar removalNMD 80, SOS 50
white scum removalWhite Scum Presoak -> NMD 80
admixture bleedHeritage Restorer
black water streaksHeritage Restorer
Bluestonegeneral cleaningCleansol BC
organic stains metalic oxide stainsAlkaline Stone Cleaner OneRestore
Brick-clay, fired clay, glazed, sand faced, face brick, dry pressed, Brick - glazed acid burn - new constructionOneRestore, NMD 80
aluminum oxide bleedOneRestore, Heritage Restorer
blue pond dyeOneRestore
calcite removalCalcite Presoak -> NMD 80
cleaning, restoringOneRestore, Heritage Restorer ABF Restoration
efflorescence removal EF-Fortless, NMD 80
excess mortar removalNMD 80, SOS 50
general cleaningHD Britenol
caulk bleedC-Tar Melt, Graf-Ex
paint wash removalOneRestore
red clay stainsOneRestore, NMD 80
rust removalOneRestore, ABF Restoration, Heritage Restorer
vanadium/manganese stainsOneRestore
white scum removalWhite Scum Presoak -> NMD 80
Cast Stonenew constructionNMD 80, SOS 50
cleaning, restoringOneRestore, Heritage Restorer
Concretecleaning, restoring OneRestore, ABF Restoration, HD Britenol
curing compound when Clean & Strip is suggestedCleansol BC - straight
equipment, trucks -removalCT Wash
food grease stainsHot Stain Remover
gum shadowsOneRestore
gum softeningRS 10 BC
ink markersGraf-Ex, LCS
hydraulic fluid stainsAcrylicStrip, Hot Stain Remover
latex/paint coating sealer removalLCS, Stripper Cream
low pH to higher pH (for sealing)Cleansol BC 4:1 - 20 minute dwell then rinse
mastic adhesiveAcrylicStrip, InStrip
rust removalOneRestore, ABF Restoration, Heritage Restorer
oil stain removalAP Plus BC, ABF, Hot Stain Remover
tire scuff marksC-Tar Melt, Cleansol BC 4:1
tire spinning marksSmoke Melt
coffee stainsABF Restoration
excess curing compoundAcrylicStrip
stain removalABF Restoration, OneRestore (non-colored)
elastomeric damp proofingAcrylicStrip
Concrete Tilt-up/precastnew constructionNMD 80, SOS 50
Dryvitcleaning, restoring Cleansol BC, HD Britenol
EIFS - Exterior Insulation and Finishing Systemcleaning, restoringCleansol BC, HD Britenol,
Flagstonecleaning, restoringCleansol BC, Heritage Restorer, SOS-50
Graniterestoration unpolished (except flamed salt and pepper)OneRestore
restoration unpolished (salt and pepper)Heritage Restorer
polishedPolished Stone Cleaner, HD Britenol
Limestoneblack crust removalStripper Cream
cleaning, restoringOneRestore, Heritage Restorer
graffiti - single, multiple layerLCS, Stripper Cream
MarblepolishedPolished Stone Cleaner, HD Britenol
unpolishedOneRestore, Heritage Restorer
Natural Stone removal of lichen Alkaline Stone Cleaner
Paverscaliche/hardened calcium carbonate depositsHD Britenol followed by NMD 80
acrylics/acrylic latex, polyurethane, resin coating removal, acrylic sealer removalAcrylicStrip
cleaning, restoringHD Britenol, EF-Fortless, NMD 80, White Scum Presoak
latex/paint coating sealer removalLCS, Stripper Cream
new constructionNMD 80, SOS 50
oil stain removalAP Plus BC, Hot Stain Remover, ABF
polymeric sand residue pine tree sapNMD 80 Hot Stain Remover
Precast Concreteexposed aggregate- cleaning, restoringHD Britenol, OneRestore, ABF Restoration
cleaning, restoringHD Britenol, OneRestore, ABF Restoration
insulation foam stainsSOS 50
Sandstone, Berea sandstone, Cleveland Sandstone black crust removalStripper Cream
cleaning, restoring Heritage Restorer
SlatecleaningCleansol BC
Stone - Quarriednew construction NMD 80, SOS 50
Stuccocleaning, restoringCleansol BC, HD Britenol, OneRestore
rust removalOneRestore
thinset remove (synthetic)OneRestore
Surface Dyed Substratenew construction NMD 80, SOS 50 (low pressure rinse)
Synthetic Masonrynew constructionNMD 80, SOS 50 (low pressure rinse)
Synthetic StonecleaningHD Britenol
new constructionNMD 80, SOS 50 (low pressure rinse)
Terra Cottacleaning, restoringOneRestore, Heritage Restorer

Metal Surfaces

Aluminumconcrete formsNMD 80 (re-season after cleaning)
Aluminum Composite Materialremove caulk & rubber gasket bleedC-Tar Melt
cleaning, restoringHD Britenol, Cleansol BC OneRestore
Anodized Aluminumcleaning, restoringOneRestore
removing anodized coatingStripper Cream
restoring, re-coatingOneRestore, A.R.T.
mortar smears from framesNMD 80
Galvanized Metal cleaning, restoringSabre 2
Metalacrylics/acrylic latex, polyurethane, resin coating removalAcrylicStrip
decal adhesiveGraf-Ex
rust removalHD Britenol, OneRestore
stainless steel (non-coated)HD Britenol, TWS SC
paint stripping - interiorInStrip, Stripsol LO
tar removalC-Tar Melt
Painted Aluminum Sidingcleaning, restoringCleansol BC, HD Britenol
Stainless Steel Tankersfood grease stainsTruck Wash Supreme SC (TWS SC)

Glass Surfaces

Fiberglasscleaning, restoringOneRestore, HD Britenol, Cleansol BC
Glasscaulk bleedAcrylicStrip, Graf-Ex
concrete leaching removal OneRestore
excess mortar removal NMD 80
hard water stainsOneRestore
sealer oversprayGraf-Ex, OneRestore
silane/siloxane water repellentGraf-Ex, OneRestore
stripping paint oversprayAcrylicStrip

Other Building Materials

Awningscleaning - fabricAP Plus BC
cleaning - vinyl Cleansol BC
heavy smoke soot - vinylRS 10 BC
Carpetremoving mastic adhesiveInStrip (extended dwell), Graf-Ex
Composite Deckingstain removalOneRestore, HD Britenol
Floors - Interiorcleaning, restoringPolished Stone Cleaner
wax & sealer removal Graf-Ex, OneRestore, C-Tar Melt
Gutters, Downspouts, Eavescleaning, restoringLCS (gutters 20:1 to 50:1) Cleansol BC (4:1) C-Tar Melt (undiluted)
Roofingasphalt shingles cleaningHD Britenol, OneRestore
flexible rubber membrane EPDM cleaningHD Britenol, Cleansol BC
Terazzocleaning, restoring Cleansol BC, Polished Stone Cleaner
Tilecleaning, restoring, black stains around salt water poolHD Britenol
Travertinecleaning, restoringOneRestore, Heritage Restorer
Wash BaysSoap Scum inside wash baysacid: OneRestore, ABF Restoration, HD Britenol non-acid: Glory BC, TWS SC
Vinyl Sidinginsulation stainsCleansol BC followed by HD Britenol
black specksLCS followed by HD Britenol
cleaning, restoringCleansol BC, HD Britenol
Woodacrylics/acrylic latex, polyurethane, resin coating removalAcrylicStrip, InStrip
cleaning, restoringCleansol BC, HD Britenol, OneRestore
deck stains, sealers (water)LCS
tar removalC-Tar Melt
furniture strippingInStrip
latex/paint coating sealer removalLCS
Gorilla Glue removal Graf-Ex

Surface Coatings

Acrylic-based Finishcleaning, restoringCleansol BC, HD Britenol
Elastomericremove from tools/equipmentAcrylicStrip (non-painted), Graf-Ex (painted)
foundation - remove damp proofing from concreteAcrylicStrip
Anti-Graffiti Coatingremove from surfaceGraf-Ex, OneRestore, AcrylicStrip
Painted Surfacesasphalt rejuvenatorGraf-Ex
cleaning, restoringCleansol BC, HD Britenol
graffiti - vinyl & fabric paint on polyurethane clear - interior workStripsol LO
insulation stains - (orangish) (PIR thermal insulation boards)Cleansol BC followed by HD Britenol
multiple layersStripper Cream, InStrip
nicotine smoke - interiorRS 10 BC
painted metal panels - silicone residue & faded paintHD Britenol followed by Cleansol BC
paint & plaster removalInStrip (extended dwell time), OneRestore (plaster)
smoke soot - heavyTWS SC, Hot Stain Remover
steel panels - paintedCleansol BC
strippingRefer to paint stripping manual
wax - automotiveRS10 BC
Silicone Elastomeric Coating Allguard®cleaning, restoring Cleansol BC, HD Britenol

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