stone paver sealer removal - AcryliStrip (2)


Paint Stripper and Coating Remover

AcrylicStrip is a solvent-based sealer, stain and paint stripper with a wide range of applications. AcrylicStrip will remove layers of acrylics, acrylic latexes, polyurethane and other resin coatings, and it is especially good at removing curing compounds from concrete.


AcrylicStrip is always used undiluted.

Coverage Rates:

Coverage rates will vary based on porosity, severity and type of coating, application method, and other factors. Proper testing will determine actual coverage rate.

Application Instructions:

1. Apply AcrylicStrip to a dry surface through a low-pressure application system; or AcrylicStrip can be applied with a dry brush, rag, or roller.
2. Apply AcrylicStrip from top down using a side to side motion.
3. Allow AcrylicStrip to dwell for a minimum of five minutes before doing a scratch test.
4. If substrate is visible after conducting the scratch test, you are ready to rinse. If the substrate is not visible or the coating is gummy but not released, re-apply AcrylicStrip and allow to dwell for an additional ten minutes.


Use only cold water to rinse. Proper rinsing techniques determine the final look and quality of the job. A thorough rinse job is always recommended; however, our chemistry never requires flooding the surface. AcrylicStrip should be rinsed using cold water using either a pressure washer, garden hose, or water and brush. When using a pressure washer on wood, be sure to keep the nozzle at least six inches from the surface. Pressures that mark the surface should be avoided. When in doubt, follow the manufacturers recommended P.S.I. for the substrates.
Do not use a zero-degree nozzle.
Caution: Do not allow the product to dry on a surface.

Send us your inquiry and we'll get right back to you!

EaCo Chem, Inc. | 765 Commerce Avenue | New Castle, PA | (724) 656-1055 |

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