Pittsburgh City County Bldg PA unpolished granite Heritage Restorer 1 (2)

Heritage Restorer

One Answer To All Your Restoration Questions

Heritage Restorer is a restoration detergent for historical or sensitive substrates. The product is based on our thoroughly-developed non-corrosive technology. Cleaning power is achieved by a combination of over 25% surfactants, mild acids to melt metal, and mineral oxide residue and water-based solvents for hydrocarbon-based residues.
  • Excellent for removing virtually all stains, including mineral and metal oxide stains
  • Reduces liability
  • Non-corrosive technology
  • Great for granite, sandstone, limestone and concrete
  • Low odor means it can easily be used for interior cleaning
  • Spray-on/spray-off application process improves productivity
  • One-product restoration simplifies the process and reduces protection requirements
  • VOC compliant


Heritage Restorer is always used undiluted.

Coverage Rates:

Coverage rates with Heritage Restorer will vary from 75-250 sq. ft. per gallon depending on the surface porosity, texture, ambient temperature, craftsmanship, and severity of staining.

Application Instructions:

1. Pre-wet the surface (do not saturate) with water before applying Heritage Restorer.
2. For best results, apply Heritage Restorer with a low-pressure sprayer (brushing is not necessary).
3. For the lighter soils, a single application with a 10-minute dwell time will remove many of the stains.
4. For deeper soils or very porous surface, a double application with 10-minute dwell for the first application; then reapply and allow up to 1 hour total dwell time will provide the best results. Do not rinse between applications.


Proper rinsing techniques determine the final look and quality of the job. A thorough rinse job is always recommended; however, our chemistry never requires flooding the surface. Heritage Restorer can be rinsed using cold water. Pressures that mark the surface should be avoided. When in doubt, follow the manufacturers recommended P.S.I. for the substrates.
Do not use a zero degree nozzle.

Send us your inquiry and we'll get right back to you!

EaCo Chem, Inc. | 765 Commerce Avenue | New Castle, PA | (724) 656-1055 | info@eacochem.com

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