Dazzle BC
Maintain Your Concrete Trucks and Equipment
Dazzle BC is a one-step truck wash that is safe for polished aluminum and can be brushless in some applications. One application of the product cuts film and loosens diesel smoke. Because there are no caustic or butyls in this soap, it is safe for indoor use and generally does not harm high quality waxes.
- Safe on polished aluminum
- Foam rinses quick and clean
- No skin burn or unpleasant odor
Portfolio and Solutions
Diesel Smoke Build-Up
Dazzle BC may be applied through a pressure washer downstream or upstream. You can use a low pressure applicator or brushing. Rinsing is best with a pressure washer for brushless clean or with a garden hose after brushing. Do not allow the product to dry on the glass
Substrate: Metal
Challenge: Diesel Smoke Build-Up