Residential Tips

  1. Always test windows and frames with the pencil test: Take a pencil, dip eraser end in undiluted NMD 80 and touch it to the window and frame. Allow product to sit for a minute, and then rinse it off. Observe results after drying. This test is not intended if windows are not installed before cleaning.
  2. Cover any hardware if doors or fixtures have been installed before cleaning.
Tools Required
  1.  EC Jet, NMD 80, and pressure washer give the fastest and best clean on all types of masonry substrates.
  2. Residential cleaning is best done with ladders with stand off bars at top.
  3.  A large steel ladder hook in an “S” Configuration is required to hold bucket while cleaning from 28 feet 13 feet. 13 feet and below can be done from the ground as long as the pressure washer wand is 5 feet long and your cleaner stands 5’-10’ tall.
  4. Best results occur when scaffold is removed prior to cleaning except for chimneys and gable ends.
  1. For chimneys above 28’, cleaning should be done while scaffold is in place. NMD 80 has been used successfully with low-pressure rinse in under 24 hours after, but we recommend 24 hours curing time before cleaning. When cleaning chimneys, leave roof protection and mortar droppings in place while cleaning. This catches and helps neutralize any overspray or rundown.
  2. For gables above 28’, cleaning time is the same as above. Cleaning should only be done down to 28’ line, as working from scaffolding slows the cleaning process.
  3.  Cleaner should be furnished a shovel for leveling the ladder for stability and safety.