Call From The Wall

Call From The Wall

Technical Assistance while you are on the Job

EaCo Chem Phone Consultations

EaCo Chem phone consultations are now easier and more effective than ever. Follow the guidelines below to have the best possible experience.

Call From The Wall

Call our technical support team to begin your Call From The Wall consultation.

(724) 656-1055

We are available Monday through Friday from 8 am-5 pm EST.

How to Prepare for your Call from the Wall Consultation

Photo Guidelines

Always submit at least three pictures of each issue:

Picture 1: Stand back and shoot the whole area.

Picture 2: Move in closer and shoot an area approximately 12’x12′.

Picture 3: Get in very close and take a picture of an area no greater than 3 bricks by 3 bricks. Try to show as much texture as possible.

Email your images to

Questions We May Ask

Try to have a good idea about the following questions before making your call:

  • Is this an instructional call or a first-use opportunity?
  • Is this a new construction or restoration issue?
  • What is the composition of the substrate in question?
  • Type of mortar used? Manufacturer? Add mixtures?
  • What products and processes have already been used?
  • Has an EaCo Chem product been secured to allow application to occur during this call?
  • Can both a pressure washer and water be available to best evaluate the protocol?