Supreme BC

Brushless Fleet Wash

Supreme BC is a brushless, spot-free drying fleet and vehicle wash that is safe on painted surfaces, including polished aluminum. It leaves a great shine after removing virtually any dirt, soil or stain. It also works hot or cold, but should not exceed 120° F.


  • Safe on polished aluminum
  • Brushless with a spot-free rinse
  • Concentrated cleaner
  • Biodegradable


First cut at 4:1 to make product ready to use then follow the dilution range listed below. Apply using pressure washer – up or down stream or low-pressure spray applicator.
– 10:1 for fleet washing
– 20:1 for general or vehicle washing
– 50:1 Brush and new car cleanup…
– Below 10:1 is a brushing dilution or low pressure for spraying (extreme cases or for degreasing frames).
– 8:1 Whitewall with brushes.
– 3:1 Whitewall without brushes.
Note: Dilutions will vary based on the severity of the stain and type of surface.

Application Instructions:

Supreme BC is designed for use with a pressure washer, high or low pressure application, using hot or cold water. The product must be laid on the surface using two quick applications which leads to soil release. Craftsmanship determines the appropriate pressure for rinsing.
A thorough rinse is always recommended. Pressures that mark or damage the surface should be avoided. Water re-treatment is generally not necessary; water softeners are built into the product.

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EaCo Chem, Inc. | 765 Commerce Avenue | New Castle, PA | (724) 656-1055 |

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